The Best Non-Toxic Refillable Soy Wax Candles: Notes vs. Arbor Made

The Best Refillable Non-Toxic Candle…

… is something I’ve been on the search for recently. As someone who hates waste and seeing an “empty candle graveyard”, I needed something that served a function: create a cleaner, healthier ambiance without the clutter. Did you know that candles actually don’t really get recycled by recycling facilities (although you should check with your local one as every one is different!). Not only that, it’s incredibly annoying to clean one out — if I’m told I have to refrigerate my leftover candle wax one more time, I’m going to lose it. Did you also know that most candles that don’t specify that they’re made of natural wax or paraffin/pretroleum-free most likely contain harmful petroleum in the candle wax? I’m sure breathing petroleum wax frequently can’t be good for your long-term health.

This is why this review pits Notes Candle against Arbor Made, both refillable candle companies that seem to be no-fuss, minimalistic vessels with wax crafted from soy, promising a paraffin-free experience.

(NOTE: This post contains affiliate links. for full transparency, each purchase MADE USING my link and code CLAIRE15 for ARBOR MADE results in a commission)

Join me as I evaluate these non-toxic refillable candles based on the following:


  • ease of refill: how easy was it to get rid of the old wax and replace with a new one?

  • longevity: how long did the candle last and did it melt all the way?

  • scent throw: how strong was the scent? could you smell it even if it wasn’t lit?

  • burn time: how long did the candle burn for?

  • price / value: was the candle worth the money?

  • scent profiles: how pleasant were the scents? I tend to go for woodsy or clean and fresh

Notes Candle has scents I love, particularly clean and woodsy. My favorite scent was Bamboo & Water Lily — it smelled so fresh and even though it was strong, it wasn’t overpowering at all. However, the elephant in the room is its tendency to tunnel, compromising the burn time and overall monetary value. Despite this setback, the scent throw is undeniably strong, permeating spaces even when unlit. The proclaimed 36-hour burn time feels shorter because it tunnels, but the starter bundle, priced at $54, offers a vessel and two refills. Each refill is priced at $18, which is pretty affordable.

Arbor Made emerges as a strong contender, avoiding tunneling thanks to its pre-shaped wax. Refilling is really easy because all you have to do is push the bottom and the wax pops out. I can even repurpose the leftover wax I pop out by adding it on top of my next refill. The one drawback is that Arbor Made scents lean towards sweeter scents, which I’m not a fan of, but they recently released fresher/cleaner scents like Midnight Orchard. Although the scent throw might not match Notes Candle's intensity, the 35-hour burn time justifies the $78 starter kit and $18 refills in the long-haul.

You can use CLAIRE15 if you’re interested in trying, which would help make it more affordable! (affiliate for full transparency).

TLDR Quick comparison:

Ease of Refill:

  • Notes Candle: Messy due to tunneling

  • Arbor Made: Effortless, thanks to pre-shaped wax


  • Notes Candle: Potentially shorter due to tunneling.

  • Arbor Made: Impressive, burning until minimal wax remains

Scent Throw:

  • Notes Candle: Strong and fragrant

  • Arbor Made: Slightly subdued

Burn Time:

  • Notes Candle: 36 hours (potentially less due to tunneling).

  • Arbor Made: 35 hours (accurate and consistent).


  • Notes Candle: $54 starter bundle (vessel + 2 refills — $18 per refill).

  • Arbor Made: $78 starter kit, $18 per refill (value enhanced by repurposing).

Scent Profiles:

  • Notes Candle: Clean and woodsy

  • Arbor Made: Traditionally sweeter, with recent fresh and clean additions


In the world of no-fuss non-toxic refillable soy wax candles, both Notes Candle and Arbor Made present compelling options. While Notes Candle excels in fragrance intensity, Arbor Made's practicality and value make it a strong competitor — so this is for my frugal, practical girlies out there. Your choice may hinge on whether you prioritize a strong scent throw or a more straightforward refill process. Elevate your space with sustainability and health in mind, choosing the candle that aligns with your preferences!

What refillable candle would you like me to try next? Leave a comment below!