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This 4-Ingredient Korean Radish Soup Helped Clear My Skin

I Had This Korean Radish Soup…

… for 10 or so days to help clear out a build-up of bad bacteria. I had this along with a tea and face mask, which helped flush everything out and clear my skin. I still can’t pinpoint what I had eaten so frequently to cause such a build-up in bad bacteria and a leaky gut, but it has been doing a number on my skin. The taste is nutty yet light because of the sesame oil, and with just the right amount of salt to taste, tastes so good that I don’t even mind having it 3 times every day.

Total Time: 30 minutes



  1. Peel and cut 1/2 medium radish into thin match-stick slices

  2. Pour 3 teaspoons of sesame oil and chopped radish together on a pan over low-medium heat for 10 minutes. Cover and stir frequently throughout to avoid burning.

  3. Add 3 cups of water to a pot and add the fried radish. Bring to a boil. After it boils, put on medium heat for 10 minutes.

  4. Add salt to taste (around 1 teaspoon) and enjoy!

Benefits of Korean Radish

  • Aids in digestion and constipation

  • Helps detoxify


  • Like all things health and wellness, consistency is key. I have been having this with every meal since I’ve learned about it. I make a big batch for the week and re-heat before a meal.

  • For most optimal results, I had it 3 times a day as a side for each meal

As always, consult your doctor/healer for what’s best for you and your needs. I’m not a professional, but a gworl who struggles with constipation, food sensitivities, and gut issues like MANY Americans.