The Superfood You Need to Add to Your Smoothies

Indians have incorporated turmeric as a spice in their diet for years. It's only recently that the Western world has caught onto the many health benefits, such as:


  • prevents cancer
  • anti-inflammatory
  • improves digestion
  • increases growth of new neurons
  • TIP: add to lattes, smoothies, or chia pudding!


1. 1 cup of almond or soy milk

2. 2 tsp of turmeric powder 

3. 1 tsp of cold-pressed coconut oil (cleans fats and helps digestion — be careful if you have diabetes or liver disease)

4. 1/2 tsp of black pepper (activates the turmeric powder's benefits by 2000%

5. 1 tbsp of plant-based yogurt

6. 1/2 tsp of organic syrup (to taste)

7. 1 ripe banana (unripe bananas harden stool)